Iced Tea

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Iced Tea

  • Author: Doris DuPre



1 12 oz can frozen lemonade concentrate
1/2 cup sugar
4 cans water
3 quarts water
5 tablespoons loose tea


Mix lemonade, sugar, and 4 cans water in a pot and bring to boil.
In a large pot bring 3 quarts water to boil.
Remove lemonade mixture and water from heat.
Add tea and lemonade mixture to water. Stir gently to ensure tea is moistened. Cover and steep for 20 minutes.
Strain using a fine strainer, several layers of cheese cloth or a clean tea towel. Cool and refrigerate.
Experiment with other juices such as cranberry, raspberry, or peach.


Because of the acidic ingredients use non reactive cookware.

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